Faith · Happiness · Health & Wellness · Uncategorized

My New Outlook on Meditation

I have done my fair share of meditation, prompted by my study of yoga and Ayurveda. However, like many people brought up in a culture which doesn’t value quality “me time” as much as it should, my meditation practice had been inconsistent and therefore not too fulfilling. If you’ve ever tried meditating, you may be familiar with the feelings… Continue reading My New Outlook on Meditation

Faith · Happiness · Health & Wellness

There is a Silver Lining

“Difficulty is an opportunity to get stronger, to develop character, and to gain a greater trust in God. Anybody can fall apart, anybody can get bitter—that’s easy—but that’s wasting your pain. That pain is not there to stop you, it’s there to develop you, to prepare you, and to increase you.” Joel Osteen posted this… Continue reading There is a Silver Lining

Faith · Happiness · Health & Wellness

Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations

This week’s Torah portion covers a part of the Exodus story when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Most people are familiar with the narrative which includes Moses asking Pharaoh to free the Jews and G-d causing the first seven of the ten plagues to harden the heart of Pharaoh.  A lot of weird shit happens: blood fills the Nile,… Continue reading Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations